Friday, January 29, 2010

My Reasons for this Blog

I have suffered from migraines for years. I grew up being told that all of my headaches were being caused by my sinuses. In 2006, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, a disease that makes it so that my body cannot tolerate gluten (a wheat protein). The Celiac Disease was determined to have been "set off" by a stressful event in 2001. It was around that time that my headaches worsened. In 2008, it was determined that I had several food allergies on top of the Celiac. The one that appears to be having major affects is soy. I have gotten to the point that during the winter, I get headaches approximately 10-15 times a month. That is a brief background on me and my migraines.

Wednesday, Jan 27, 2010, I went to a plastic surgeon who reviewed a CAT scan that I had done last week. The CAT scan revealed that there were several issues with my sinus area. The shape of the nasal cavity is supposed to be straight, but mine is curved, there is a spur that could be causing many of the migraines and a couple of air pockets (called concha bullosa).

I have 6 weeks to determine if the Flonase that I have just begun to use and saline spray is helping and then determine if I want the doctor to go in and "roto rooter" my sinuses and get it all straightened out. He is not sure if this will cure the headaches, so it is not going to be an easy choice. I am going to document my next 6 weeks as a way of forcing me to do everything I am supposed to as well as a way to remember when and how severe the headaches are.

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